What is Global Learning? (continued)

Day 4 Activities - Selecting an ePals Lesson Plan 


On day 4, you will be assigned to your groups. You will go to the ePals website, go to "projects" and select one of the projects to enhance and develop into a polished lesson plan that you will be able to implement in your classroom. Selected lesson plans will be implemented before the completion of the training within the other groups in the next course, "Building Lesson Plans that Encourage Global Learning."   

Day 5 Activities - Moving on!!! 


In preparation for the next course, "Building Lesson Plans that Encourage Global Learning," we will view the PowerPoint that is in the "Supplemental Materials" area below, and answer the questions that follow in the discussion area.

Supplemental Materials 


Discussion Area 

Answer the questions below:


1. What is Global Education?

2. In what ways can Global Education be implemented in the classroom?

3. How can Global Education benefit the students? Teachers?

4. True/False. Teachers are the only people who can use the ePal Global Community.

5. True/False. The students’ safety during the use of ePals is not guaranteed.


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