What is Global Learning?

Introduction to ePals: Day One Activities 

Click on the ePals Logo to get started... 


1. Go to the website.

2. Go to the tutorials section of the website.

3. Explore the site by navigating to the different areas and participating in the tutorials.


*Access the tutorial in the discussion area for guidance.*

Define Global Learning

Day Two Activities 

In the discussion area below, provide your definition of global learning. What does it mean to you? How much do you know about it? What would you like to learn about it? Respond and contribute to the responses of your colleagues.

Example Global Learning Lesson Plans 

Day Three Activities:

In the discussion area below, explain how your preception of global learning has changed after you reviewed these example lessons. Provide ideas as to how you and other educators may use instructional technology to enhance any of these lesson plans that may not incorporate instructional technology. 

Discussion Area 

 Open the documents below, respond to the questions, and then repost. Reply to a few of your other colleagues.

ePals Video 

EDTC 640 - OTM Text to ePal Video.doc EDTC 640 - OTM Text to ePal Video.doc
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