My Reflection on this Project


EDTC 640 - My Online Training Module


Inclusive in my Online Training Module are many of the principles that I learned about throughout the course. Throughout the module, I demonstrated my ability to apply the e-learning principles through the use of self-made videos, the use of the voicethread and sound recordings, and many other principles and skills learned throughout the course. In addition to providing voice recordings, I also included documents that provide the descriptions in text, for those who may be hearing-impaired, or who may just prefer to read text instead of hearing my voice, or for those who may prefer to use both text and voice. I avoided the redundancy principle here because I didn’t include the text on the page, but instead provided an easy to locate document that has to be opened to access the text.


I was careful not to crowd my pages, and I was consistent with the size of the text that I used on each page. I used neutral colors, avoiding the use of bright and distracting colors. The activities that I provided to the educators in training consisted of activities that are similar to the type of activities that they would provide for their students in their own classrooms. I provided rubrics for the educators to follow as they evaluated themselves and each other throughout the course. At the end of the course, I also provided the educators with a rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of the course. I really enjoyed completing this project. I found that I easily retain a lot of the information learned throughout the course without even realizing that I had retained it. This was a fun project that allowed me to see how my skills have strengthened as a result of this course.

 Kenyatta K. Robertson




Image of globe. Retrieved November 28, 2009, via google images from

Image of Lesson Plan cover. Retrieved November 28, 2009, via google images from

Left-pointing arrow. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from

Right-pointing arrow. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from

Road. Retrieved November 28, 2009, via google images from


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